Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Mengenai Diri Saya di PT Kita

Di PT kita saya memiliki nama  Sakura Kinomoto sebagai administrasi support, Berikut mengenai diri saya:

PT Kita

PT Kita merupakan sebuah perusahaan distributor yang menjual Perangkat Komputer. Dalam struktur organisasinya dikepalai oleh Mr. Sifu dan ada beberapa bagian didalamnya. Diantaranya departemen Purchasing, Marketing, HRD, Accounting and Finance, IT. Disini saya berada dalam departemen marketing, dan berikut struktur organisasi di departemen Marketing : 

    Manager (Piccolo)
·         Merencanakan, mengontrol dan mengkoordinir proses penjualan dan pemasaran bersama Head Section.
·         Berkordinasi kepada Head Section untuk mencapai target penjualan dan mengembangkan pasar secara efektif dan efisien.
·         Menerapkan budaya, sistem, dan peraturan intern perusahaan serta menerapkan manajemen biaya, untuk memastikan budaya perusahaan dan sistem serta peraturan dijalankan dengan optimal.
·         Menganalisa dan memberikan arah pengembangan penjualan, untuk memastikan pengembangan produk sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar.
2Sales and Promotion Section Head
·         Menentukan harga jual produk yang akan dilaunching.
·         Membuat jadwal kunjungan serta sistem promosi untuk memastikan tercapainya target penjualan.
·         Menganalisa dan mengembangkan strategi marketing untuk meningkatkan jumlah pelanggan dan area sesuai dg target yang ditentukan.
·         Melaporkan aktivitas penjualan perusahaan kepada Manager.
3 Distribution Relations Section Head
·         Melakukan evaluasi kepuasan pelanggan dari hasil survey seluruh sales team.
·         Memastikan tercapainya target kepuasan pelanggan yang ditentukan.
·         Menganalisa data keuangan klien dengan tujuan penaksiran investasi klien.
·         Memastikan pendekatan layanan pelanggan berorientasi diadopsi setiap saat dan memastikan risiko telah dinilai dan dikendalikan.
·         Melaporkan aktivitas evaluasi pelayanan kepada Manager.
   Warehouse and Market Logistics
·         Memonitor perolehan order serta merangkumkan forecast untuk memastikan kapasitas produksi terisi secara optimal.
·         Memonitor jumlah stock seluruh Dept. Sales & Marketing untuk memastikan umur stock perusahaan tidak melebihi target yang telah ditentukan.

    Salesperson for Institutional Customers
·         Berkewajiban untuk dapat menjalin hubungan baik dengan pelanggan lama maupun baru dari institusional serta melakukan maintenance terhadap pelanggan perusahaan tersebut.
·         Menyiapkan prospek klien baru di bidang institusional.
·         Menjual produk teknologi perusahaan, maksudnya menawarkan produk-produk baru kepada setiap pelanggan tetap sebelumnya atau calon pelanggan perusahaan.
     Salesperson for Wholesale Customers
·         Berkewajiban untuk dapat menjalin hubungan baik dengan pelanggan lama maupun baru yang membeli dengan volume banyak serta melakukan maintenance terhadap pelanggan tersebut.
·         Menyiapkan prospek klien baru dalam pembelian jumlah banyak.
·         Menjual produk teknologi perusahaan, maksudnya menawarkan produk-produk baru kepada setiap pelanggan tetap sebelumnya atau calon pelanggan perusahaan
 Relations Customer Service
·         Sebagai Komunikator, artinya sebagai orang yang menghubungi customer dan memberikan informasi tentang segala sesuatu yang ada hubungannya antara perusahaan dengan customer.
·         Menjalin komunikasi yang baik dengan pelanggan.
·         Memiliki keterampilan secara kuantitatif yang baik.
·         Mempertahankan pelanggan yang telah ada.
          Administrassion Support
·         Bertanggung jawab melakukan support atas segala kebutuhan marketing.
·         Membuat Quotations dan mengirimkan kepada customer dan melakukan Follow Up kepada customer.
·         Mengelola segala kebutuhan promosi dan komunikasi, baik hard maupun softcopy.
·         Membuat materi keperluan sales and marketing, misalnya : dalam membuat brosur, promosi, quotation, email blast, korespondensi dengan customer 
·         Melakukan support dalam administrasi tender bila diperlukan. 
·         Melakukan pengklasifikasian dan menjaga data-data 
·         Memasukkan data-data ke system serta membuat laporan dan notulen.

Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013

Business Process ADempiere

Module Objectives
·         Overall ADempiere
·         Go through sale cycle
–Sale module
–Finance module (Receipt)
·         Go through purchase cycle
–Purchase module
–Finance module (Payment)
·         Hands on

Modules in Adempeire

Sales Cycle (Trading)

Sales Cycle –Quote to Invoice

Sales Order

Shipment (Delivery)

Ways to Create document

Sales Invoice

Sales Invoice and Billing

Receipt payment from Customer

Receipt payment from Customer (Partial)

Purchase Cycle

Purchase Cycle -Requisition to Invoice

Payment to Vendor

Payment vsReceipt

Create Purchase Requisition (PR)

Create Purchase Order (PO)

Print Preview Purchase Order

Material Receipt

Invoice (Vendor)
 Evaluating Matched Invoice

Summary of Material Receipt and Invoice (Vendor) accounting facts

Outstanding Liabilities

Purchase Cycle –Requisition to Invoice

View Unpaid Invoices

Creating Payment Proposal 

Payment Print/Export

View Payment Allocation

Summary of Payment accounting facts

Bank Statement

Summary of Payment accounting facts

Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Installasi Adempiere ERP

Untuk menjalankan ADempiere ERP ada beberapa software yang harus kita install terlebih dahulu, antara lain :

1.         JDK
ADempiereneed JDK not JRE
We are using JDK6 update 20, but any update is fine

2.         PostgreSQLDatabase
We are using version 8.4, but any version is fine
3.         ADempiere
Current version is 3.6.0LTS

4.         ADempierePatches & Migration Scripts
Use same patch version as ADempiere’sversion

Installation Steps Overview

Install Java JDK
·         Install the JAVA JDK (i.e., jdk-6u20-windows-i586.exe) with the default installation settings. Say OK to install the follow-on JRE as well.

·         Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the C:\Program Files\Java directory (or where-ever your Java is installed) and carefully note the full path for the JDK directory (e.g: C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.6.0_20) and the JRE directory that you have just installed

Set JAVA Environment Variable
·    On your Desktop (or using Start button / My Computer) right click My Computer and select System Properties / Advanced / Environmental Variables. (Alternatively:StartControlPanelSystemAdvancedtab.)       
·     Add a new System Variable JAVA_HOMEfor your new JDK directory:

·         JAVA_HOMEuseC:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20(or whatever your JDK directory is called)Back in My Computer / System Properties / Advanced / Environmental Variables, find thePathvariable and click Edit.
·         Append the following JDK path (%JAVA_HOME%\bin) to the end of Path variable after putting in a connector semi-colon ";“

Install PostgreSQLDatabase
Install PostgreSQLby running the Windows executable installer (i.e., postgresql-8.4.4-1-windows.exe)
·         Select your Locale and make sure the "pl/pgsql" box is ticked (which is the default)
·         Uncheck the box "Launch Stack Builder at exit" and Finish. Cancel out of Stack Builder if it insists in launching

Note :  If you receive an error message that the port is already in use, you probably have an old Postgresservice running. Go to Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services, find PostgresDatabase Server, Stop the service and set its startup to Manual. Try again.

Set System Variable for PostgreSQLDatabase
·         Create an environment variable POSTGRES_HOMEset to the PostgreSQLinstall directory, for example "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.4"
·         Edit the PATH variable again and add%POSTGRES_HOME%\bin to the end of the path. This will make it easy to run the psqlcommand from any directory.
·         In a DOS shell, type PATH and carefully check the result to ensure the JAVA and Postgrespaths are correctly added to the PATH.
·         Start the PostgreSQLservice. There will be a menu item in the PostgreSQLStart Menu to start the PostgreSQLservice. It may already be running following the install. Check the running Services (Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services).

Install Adempiere
There is no install script. Just extract the Adempierezip file to <drive letter>:\(e.g. c:\)

Note: You should end up with the files in a folder like C:\Adempiere. Do not extract to C:\Program Files\Adempiere. The batch scripts do not like the long file names with spaces. Also make sure you haven't created a chained directory like C:\Adempiere\Adempiere.

Apply Patches (Optional)
This step is required only if there are patches to apply
·         Download latest patch file (i.e., 20101111_patches_360_14470.jar)
·         Rename this file to “patches.jar”
·    Navigate to C:\Adempeire\lib and replace with the new patches.jar file (backup the old file by rename it to patches.jar.old)

Initial ADempiereVariable Setup
A setup utility in ADempierewill prepare the software for use and create environment variables needed in the following steps.
·         Navigate to C:\Adempiere and execute RUN_setup.bat. If this is the first time you are running this, a license and security keys dialogs will appear. Accept the defaults.
·         The setup dialog will appear, you may need to change the followings,
Database Server from <your-computer-name> to localhost
Database Type from oracleXEto postgresql
Database Name from xeto adempiere
System Password to postgres(or whatever you entered above for the database administrator)
Database Password to adempiere
Don't change anything in the Mail Server settings unless you want to set-up Adempierefor production purposes

You may also need to change the following:
AdempiereHome to C:\Adempiere (if somehow it has been set to the wrong location)
Application Server Web Port to 8080 (if 80 is being used by something else) and SSL to 8443 (instead of 443)

Initial ADempiereVariable Setup
Press the Test button. When the Test completes without errors and the Save button (bottom, right) is activated, click the Save button. Wait a few minutes until the AdempiereServer Setup screen disappears and the deployment is finished.
This step will take times!
·         The database does not have a user adempiereor a database adempiereat this point, so these tests will not be checked. The user and database will be created in the next step.
·    Every time the new patches.jar is deployed, we will need to re-execute RUN_setup.bat or if no variable is changed,RUN_silentsetup.bat

Create Database “adempiere”
Navigate to C:\Adempiere\utils
·         Run the scriptRUN_ImportAdempiere.bat
·         You will see information about adempiere.dmp file (such as date creation, size, etc.) and the message:== The import will show warnings. This is Ok ==
·         The script willDROPany existing adempieredatabase. Do not run this command if you already have data loaded.

Apply Migration Script (Optional)
This step is required only if there are migration script to apply
·         Download latest migration script (i.e.,
·         Expand it, you will see *.sql files under postgresqlfolder. You can actually run it one by one in the command line
OR run multiple files at once by
·         Setup a '.pgpass'file according to the instructions for your version of PostgreSQL(for 8.4, see30.14. The Password File). This will prevent the password entry each time you run the psqlcommand.
·         From a DOS shell, navigate to the directory where the scripts are located and execute this command:
                FOR%N IN (*.sql) DO psql-f%N adempiereadempiere

Start Application Server
·         Open a DOS shell Navigate to C:\Adempiere\utils Type 'RUN_Server2.bat'and wait for the server to fully start -it will end this phase with "INFO [Server] JBoss.... Started in xx:xx:xxms", which will take around 2 to 3 minutes.

The server is up and running, we shall now launch the Application

·         Leave this DOS shell running. Later, to shut down the Application Server, you can either RUN_Server2Stop in another DOS Shell or simply close the shell.
·         If you would like to run the server as a service, in a DOS shell, navigate to C:\Adempiere\utils\windows and run Adempiere_Service_Install.bat. You will need to open the Services Window (Control PanelAdministrativeToolsServices) to set the properties so the service starts automatically or manually.

Install Client Application
·         Go to URL http://<server>/admin
·         Click on button Web Start to download and install client application

(Behind the Scene of Client Install)
1.         adempiereDirect.jnlpdownloaded from server
2.        Executed by javaws.exe to create client application
3.        Necessary components and downloaded and installed on client machine
4.       Application executed on client, note that the connection is also passed here
5.        Shortcut is point to the server to always INSYNCwith latest version on server 

2 Ways to launch Adempeire
1.         Through Client Application
Double click on Adempeireicon

2.         Through Web Browser (application server must be running)
                –Open browser and go to URL http://<server>/webui
Adempiere.propertiesis where the connection information is being stored
·         With Client App, it will look at C:\Users\<name>\, which was downloaded from server during client installation
·         With Web App, Web Server will look at server C:\Adempiere\

Berikut Video tutorial mengenai installasi ademipere :